Insurance policies specifically designed for outdoor and active lifestyle activities are so important. However, these policies are a part of the insurance world that a lot of people are unaware of.
Choosing Auto Insurance Coverage
If you go into an insurance agent and say, “I need insurance coverage and just give me full coverage and I’m fine,” full coverage is a complete misnomer. It means nothing. So you don’t know what you’re going to get when you say give me “full coverage.”
CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE VS COMPARATIVE NEGLIGENCE LAWS Most States have Comparative Negligence, where if one party is more at fault than the other, their insurance company covers everything.
Life Insurance
I like to define life insurance as a promise. Just like any other insurance policy, your homeowners insurance, your automobile insurance, any insurance you have, it’s a promise that if something goes wrong the insurance company’s going to pay. Life insurance is the promise that if the insured person dies, the life insurance is going to pay.
Every year, millions of dollars of life insurance claims go uncollected. Oftentimes this is because beneficiaries are unaware of the policies. Additionally, many companies don’t go out of their way to track down beneficiaries after a policyholder dies.