In this video Attorney David Daggett will answer a question he is often asked – are workers’ compensation checks taxable.
CONSTRUCTION SITE INJURIES Workers’ Compensation covers many of the injuries that occur on a construction site, although there are some exceptions. David Daggett explains why it is important to contact an experienced attorney if you are injured on a construction site.
Does the Workers’ Compensation System Really Direct my Medical Care?
It seems really strange, but it is true. When you have filed a Workers’ Compensation claim, the insurance carrier has a say in your medical care.
How is Workers’ Compensation Calculated?
In this video we discuss how workers’ compensation is calculated.
Injured at Work – Can I Sue?
One of the most common questions that our personal injury law firm gets asked after a workplace accident is whether an injured worker can sue for his or her personal injuries. And like many concepts of law, the answer is “it depends.”
I’m On Work Comp but My Checks Just Got Cut Off, Why Did This Happen and What Do I Do?
Injured workers rely on weekly checks from their employer’s workers’ comp insurance policy to help replace their lost wages when they are out of work after a work injury. Understandably if these workers’ comp checks unexpectedly stop, it can create confusion, fear, and an immediate hardship. Some employers and insurance carriers find ways to wrongfully cease, delay, or outright cancel payments.
Should I Contact an Attorney After a Work Injury?
The way workers’ compensation works is basically what happens is you get paid 2/3 your average weekly wage, up to the statutory maximum, for the time period that you’re out for what’s called total disability. And then you’re also entitled to compensation for any permanent disability that you have beyond that point in time.
What Happens After I Get Injured at Work?
The Workers’ Compensation system is intended to protect the injured worker and help with medical treatment, BUT, filing a workers’ comp claim is complicated and requires expertise from an experienced attorney, like those at Daggett Shuler.
What is my Workers’ Comp Case Worth?
In determining what your North Carolina Workers’ Compensation is worth, it will not surprise you, that part of this answer lies in part in a mathematical formula regulated by the NC Industrial Commission, which is the state governmental agency that covers work injuries and takes into consideration your medical expenses and lost wages.
What Should I Do Immediately After Getting Injured At Work?
For more information on legal topics, please visit our website or connect with us in social media. Office info: Daggett Shuler Law Firm 2140 Country Club Road Winston-Salem, NC 27104 PH (336) 724-1234 TF 1-800-815-5500
Will My Employer Fire Me If I File A Workers’ Compensation Claim?
Will my employer fire me if I file a WC claim? There is no guarantee that your employer will fire you, and simply firing you for submitting a workers’ comp claim is illegal in the state of NC.
Will my Employer Get my Medical Records if I File for Workers’ Comp?
If you are injured at work and file a workers’ comp claim, your employer may have access to medical records containing relevant medical information from your health care providers.
Will Workers’ Compensation Cover Covid-19?
In this video Attorney David Daggett talks about workers’ compensation and Covid-19.
Worker’s compensation is a crucial part of our legal system today. But it is also a complex one, that is often confusing to many people.
Your case usually is not against your employer, it’s against their workers compensation insurance company. That is a very very different thing.